Dishwasher Guide

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Dishwasher openings are always an even 24" between cabinets. Some foreign dishwashers run a little skinny, but always leave an even 24" opening width.  The  opening height should be 34.5", the height of the cabinets. When installing cabinets always fur up the bottom of the cabinets to finish floor height for correct appliance height. If in the planning Stages allow for working room on both sides of a dishwasher if possible. 

The power for a dishwasher can be provided by a wire traveling under the dishwasher and into the dishwashers electrical box, or a cord can be wired into the dishwasher electrical box if there is a plug outlet behind the dishwasher or an available plug outlet under the sink next to the dishwasher. Some dishwashers come with a cord already attached  so they need a plug outlet. Choose and check your dishwasher instructions before rough wiring. Dishwashers usually need a home run dedicated circuit at the panel. Check local code and instructions on the dishwasher.

The dishwasher drain and air gap can be done in different ways. Check your specific dish washers instructions for acceptable air gap procedures. Some manufacturers allow the drain hose to be looped up high and attached to the inside of the cabinet then to the disposal or drain. Other manufacturers want a counter top mounted air gap, or a separate trap for the air gap. Most plumbers will say that the separate trap is the way to go, but this would have to be done at the rough plumbing stage with two sanitary T's in the wall on top of each other servicing both the sink trap and the dishwasher trap.
sink plumbing guide line

The water supply for a dishwasher is a longer version of a flexible faucet hose with both ends having a 3/8" fitting. Most dishwashers come with a brass  90 that fits into the dishwasher and has the 3/8 male threads on the other, but some do not and you have to buy it. At the shut off side under the sink it is ideal to have a T and a separate shut off for the dishwasher, but if the rough plumbing is already done then a dual shut off can be purchased.
Dishwasher finishes come in stainless, black, or white. Some companies offer colored front panels. Most companies have changeable fronts that include the option of using a panel from the cabinet company that matches your cabinets. If you want the wood panel option make sure the dishwasher model is ok for that, and you will need a handle to go on the outside of the panel.

Dishwasher Quality is best researched out in the reviews from people who own that specific dishwasher. In general the better dishwashers have more options on the controls, an independent water arm for the top rack, stainless steel interior,  Filters/food disposals, and a lot of insulation/ quiet motor.  A cheaper dish washer will have none of those things. Efficiency of water use and power used in a cheaper dishwasher will lessen the functionability, but the best can do both.              
Dishwasher with wood panel

Drawer dishwasher with panel